Saturday, April 23, 2011


Chesapeake City Park had one today from 10-12. I knew this place was going to be a total mob scene knowing it was a FREE event. I usually try and stick with more low key events, but since this one was two minutes from my house...and free I thought we'd check it out. We got there right for 10AM and I am glad we did because it was crowded already. They had quite a few bounce jump house play type things set up in the back for the kids to play on. After waiting in a couple lines and Noogs whining a bit about it being "his turn", he finally was able to play on some. I think it was worth the wait for him.

Boo is too little for stuff like this, but she kind of did her own thing while waiting for her brother before the Easter Egg Hunt started.....
Like being adorable!

and searching for a snack...
which she found easily..

They started the egg hunt at 11AM. I was REALLY happy they put it in age groups. It was chaotic enough to begin with and I really don't know if Noogs would of been OK with a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds. (I mean really though, why are you like 12 on an egg clearly don't even believe in the Easter Bunny anymore!) Anyway..there was A LOT of people. We went to the end of the field in hopes on steering clear of the big crowd. We were at the end of the field and all I see is a surge of kids (AND parents!) start running towards the middle and I'm like "OMG, we need to go, it started". Where was the gunshot to start it? A whistle? The National Anthem? Give me something here City of Chesapeake! I felt like I was about to run a freaking 5K and there was a mad dash for the finish. Anyway, Noogs lost it. He made it two feet and got so overwhelmed with people he just started crying. In a matter of two seconds, Hubby swept in and saved the day. He passed Boo off to me, scooped up Noogs and ran to a somewhat empty part of the field where there were lots of eggs. Noogs' crying immediately stopped and he was able to join in the fun..

 Even Boo joined in!
I kind of lost Hubby and Noogs the whole two minutes of the egg hunt tending to Ella and the two eggs she found, but when I saw the two boys charging back like "yea what?" I knew they did well..

So after a few cries...a few pouts...a few whines...the whole hour and a half we spent at the Eggstravaganza was worth it!

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