Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Athlete

If someone asked to describe myself using one word, a few come to mind. Spastic, clumsy, silly, curious...but the word athlete is far from my mind. I never played sports as a kid. I quit dance when I was four because I hated it and the only thing I was good at on field day was the spoon relay (I totally won first place one year).

In 7th grade my BFF and I tried out for the basketball team. We were the only two people not picked to join the team. I honestly don't think it had anything to do with our athletic abilities as much as it had to do with the fact we fooled around the whole time and giggled (loudly) our way through tryouts. Apparently the coach didn't think we were too serious about it, and we probably weren't knowing us.

In high school, my athletic abilities consisted of running to a friends car to cut class or running into class late because I was probably somewhere I shouldn't be. I did play track for a minute, but quit because it was too much running (go figure) and I played field hockey one year, but wasn't very good and the highlight of my career was an assist.

Fast forward fifteen years and I am training for my first triathlon with four half marathons and over twenty five other 10Ks, 8Ks, and 5Ks under my belt within the past three years. Becoming a mother has made me a athlete.Sure I dabbled in a little "jogging" before kids and even registered for a jogging stroller on my baby registry with Noogs but was never really "into it" except for trying to lose weight, but now I appreciate it more than anything. Running for me is my sanity. It's that time of day where I am alone with my thoughts (well unless I am pushing the double jogger handing out sugary snacks to keep the kiddies quiet) and when I am really "calm".  I love going through the day on "runned" legs.

So how did I get into running? People who knew me back when and knew of my awesome athletic abilities (insert sarcasm here) ask me this often. After I gave birth to Noogs, it was scary being in a new city far away from all my friends and family. I needed people in my life going through the same thing I was. I quickly found a moms group to join. I probably hit the jackpot because even though the moms group we called "Go Moms" only lasted a few months, the ladies I have met are some of my best friends here in VB to this day.

I have always thought about running a half marathon, 13.1 miles, but didn't think I would ever actually do it. It was literally just a thought, until a few other ladies were talking about it at a "mom play date" at the zoo and suggested we all started training together for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon VB in August. It was April at the time, giving us four months to train, a task I thought was completely not doable for me.

When I first started running and could barley run a mile or two without wanting to die, I thought to myself, what have I gotten myself into? I did not want to quit though. I didn't want to be that 9th grade girl who quit track because it was too much running again, so I ran my little heart out. Four to five mornings a week we all met religiously everyday at 7:30AM for hot summer morning runs with the kids in the joggers. Some mornings I will admit, I wanted to "call out" and not go, but the feeling I felt every morning after that work out was amazing and in the process I was growing friendships with these wonderful ladies. As we built up mileage that summer, our runs got longer and so did our talks. I mean really, who else would appreciate the fact that my seven month old baby boy wasn't constipated anymore. 

The training was tough. I remember in the beginning running a 13 minute mile and feeling like death afterwards (fast forward three years and I average about a 9:30 mile, not fast for real athletes, but for a mom who has no athletic ability at all, its fast). I had days I was so sore after four miles, I thought there was no way I could ever run thirteen miles plus. With the efforts of the power I had within myself that I didn't even know was there, my new friends who were basically my coaches and the support of my family, I did it. I ran my first half marathon only nine months after giving birth.

I remember how hot it was that day. I remember walking for a good mile around mile eight and being so mad at myself because my motto is never stop running, even if you have to go into the lightest jog (a motto I still go by). I remember telling my girlfriend K to run on and leave me behind. I remember running past all my family and crying when I saw my son on his daddy's shoulders watching me. I remember that feeling when I crossed the finish line and how amazing I felt..... I wanted to do it all over again. (of course not in that very moment because I think I almost passed out, but someday..soon).

My family was so supportive that day and they all came down to VB to watch me run and wore their "Team Jessica" shirts. Seriously...awesome.

That was the moment I was hooked on running. From there on I have run a ton of races meeting new running friends along the way. I love meeting a new runner, or an old runner who becomes a new friend, either way there is so much to talk about on runs together. I love comparing stories and strategies. I love that bond that you share almost immediately when it comes to running, especially if you are a mom and run, because seriously, we rock.

Give me a high five if you push a jogger and run because its not easy, BUT it makes you a stronger runner and a stronger mommy. I love that my son knows about running and being active. He always wants to "race" and whenever I return from a race he wants to know how fast I ran and wants to wear my medal. Its such a great example to set for your children. I mean they don't have to be runners growing up, but I would like for them to grow up in an active lifestyle trying different things.

I love challenging myself to something new. I've run four half marathons, which may not be a lot to the elite runners, but to me it is. Now I am looking for something new to do. I don't have any desire to do a full marathon, so I've been focusing on building up speed at smaller distances, when I started looking into triathlons. I have been talking about doing one for a good year or two now and finally just registered for one in September. So I am dedicating my summer to swim, bike and run. I am so excited for it. Double bonus points some friends are doing it I am not alone, which feels great.  Training with friends is always a plus in my book!

I am so excited for my new goal and challenge, but scared at the same time. Can I swim a half mile in the ocean? Will the fact I don't have a road bike hurt me on the bike part? Will I even be able to run a 5K after doing the prior? Time will tell and training will build up my confidence.

Take it from me though, someone who was probably one of the most "unathletic" people you will ever meet, that you can come from anywhere and do it. The days I don't train I don't feel myself and the days I do I feel fabulous. I love going through my day after a great run or workout and I feel my best in the hours after one. I have experienced the "runner's high" and it is an amazing feeling. The amount of weight I've lost is an extreme bonus as well. I have pushed myself to my limits and have always gone back for more. I mean really, if anyone was ever to tell me ten years ago I would be training for a triathlon I would of laughed in their face and grabbed a pint of ice cream. Now I say yes I am and I grab a pint of ice cream. In any case, moral of the story is you can come from anywhere and reach goals you didn't think were reachable. Its an amazing feeling and running is what makes me "me" these days. Try it, you may love it.


  1. AWESOME post! If you weren't already one of the coolest running-chicks ever, you are now, for sure... how cool is it that your son wants to "race" and is interested in your times?! You're doing really great things for yourself and your family. What could be better? Thanks for being my favorite running-inspiration! :-)

  2. Wow Jess, as if I wasn't already proud of you before, knowing your story is even better! It's funny to me to think of the Jessica that I knew, young and just as goofy as me, and to see you doing all of this amazing stuff just blows my mind. You are on an incredible journey, and you really are giving your kids such an amazing role model in their lives. Go Team Jessica! (I want a shirt!)
    Love you, girlie.

  3. Thank you both so much for the kind supportive words. I am glad I can be an inspiration to a new runner and to an old friend : ) I HAVE to get out to AZ and see you both! I'll bring Team Jessica shirts for all! XO
