I have a list for everything. I even have a list for the list, which I call "the list before the list". Its the main list of everything I need to get done for the week (this does not include normal everyday stuff like gym, school and swim for Noogs, showering, etc.) but tasks that I need to get done. Then I take the main list and break it down into a mini list by category, its redundant and kind of silly, but its what I do so I don't stress out and its all on paper. I cross them off as I complete it and I feel a little more at ease each time, almost like I reached a goal.
Now besides those weekly lists of course I have another list for things that need to get done, but they are big projects and won't go on the weekly list. For example, paint the master bedroom and clean out the garage. Of course there is my bucket list as well of all things I want to do in my lifetime like complete a triathlon, run a race in every state or go to Australia, you know, the usual bucket list stuff.
So I am a total list girl. I guess kind of like keeping journals and blogs, writing things down just make me feel good...and less stressed!
My main weekly list had 26 things on it this week. Maybe that's a lot to some, maybe it's not, but that's the norm for me. It includes anything from changing my dentist appointment to cleaning the bathrooms. But as of today, Thursday, I am down to only 6 things left and I feel great about it and feel like I accomplished all these goals this week. So as I sit here in an amazingly clean house with Noogs still napping since 12:30 (hes going on 3 hours!...hmm actually I should wake him..) remember, when you think you don't need a list....write one! Do it even for the little things like "buy milk", "mail Mothers Day cards", or "take a shower"; remember its not silly, your just being a goal setter and reaching goals when you cross that item off your list! Happy Listing!
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