Monday, September 19, 2011

The Triathlon

The big day was this weekend!  The event I trained all summer for was finally here. The Sandman Triathlon! This was a big deal for me.  I had someone say to me recently “don’t stress it, I know people who do these things all the time and don’t train for them”.  Good for them! And so do I… but just because it’s not a half Ironman or an Ironman or even an Olympic triathlon, doesn’t make it a big deal when it’s your first one.  Especially because I know a lot of people who wouldn’t even take this challenge on, especially with this tri being an ocean swim. So I was very proud of myself for reaching this point. I was so stressed out and nervous all week about the ocean swim. After a swim clinic I went to last week in prep for Sunday, I was taken back at how difficult and different it was to swim in the ocean, than any other open water I have swam in.  So this made me very nervous.  I wasn’t alone though. At the swim clinic I spoke to a girl who was clearly younger than me and a 3 time Ironman finisher.  She told me that she still gets nervous swimming in the ocean, that made me, and my girlfriends, feel better that we were not alone.

Race morning.  I got up at 4:30, as I planned on meeting my girlfriends down at the oceanfront at 6AM to get into transition early and get all of our ducks in a row since we were newbies. My morning did not go as planned. As I am leaving my house to go to my car I opened the front door (very carefully) and the new addition of our family darted out the door! Our new doggie Maiya took off and was on the loose. This is a whole other story, and we did wind up finding her thanks to our family who helped. I cried the whole way to the triathlon because she was still not found yet when I left.  So I pull up in the parking lot to meet my girlfriends in tears. I was so upset our new doggie was gone and it was all my fault. Not intentionally, but I was still the one who opened the door and she snuck out, so my guilt level was fairly high. I had to get my mind right for this triathlon though. Thanks to my friends and the help of their hugs and talk of the tri, I got myself together.

We had all taken full advantage of bike inspection at packet pick-up the day before, so it was smooth sailing into transition area where we got body marked and assigned to where our own personal transition area and our bikes would be.  The weather was crappy. It was cool and very, very windy and kind of drizzly and damp. I could hear the ocean, but the sound just did not sound friendly. We heard talk of the swim possibly being cancelled…ten minutes later we found out that the swim had been cancelled due to dangerous undertows, rip tides and strong currents. I actually hadn’t seen the ocean yet at this point, as we were still in transition area getting our stuff together when they made the announcement. I will be honest; I was disappointed the swim was cancelled. I mean the swim is what I put most of my energy into this summer and I trained for a triathlon, so I wanted to do a triathlon. After I actually saw the ocean yesterday morning, my opinion changed drastically. The water was angry and intense. There is NO WAY I would of made it swimming in that water and if I had I would of never had the energy for a 14.2 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run. So I was very happy the race officials and lifeguarding unit called the swim off. These photos really don’t do the water much justice, but those who were there, saw how rough the water really was and could vouch for it.

So the event turned into a run/bike/run.  Right before the race I found out that Maiya had been found and was safe at home. I felt so much better and was ready to get my game face on and kick some ass. We started out the race with the run. It was VERY windy and the whole first half of the 5K was running into wind, not fun.  I felt awesome the whole run though and somehow I managed a PR (Personal Record) for the 5K! I was stoked for a 26 minute 5K, which is great for me since my best 5K to date has been just shy of 28 minutes. Thank you Kim and “Speed Work Wednesdays”!  I felt awesome after the run, was stoked to do the bike, until I actually got on the bike. I was one of the very few people at the triathlon who did not have a road bike. I used a mountain bike, with large tires. I never really thought it would make that much of a difference. I was so wrong. Not only were you riding into 30 mph winds and gusts, but girls I had passed on the run, were passing me on their road or triathlon bikes. The competitor in me was pissed and forced all my energy into the bike, but my body was fighting it. I cursed myself out the whole bike ride and also made a Christmas list and added road bike to it… I did get through the bike, eventually. The last half mile was probably my strongest mile because I saw my family at the end and when Nicholas yelled my name “Mommy!!” it was like the wind pushed me the last half mile. I finally finished the bike in an hour and 14 minutes. Horrible time and I’m still beating myself up about it. In my defense, my bike sucks. It is definitely not meant for bike races, tris or anything of that nature and the wind was intense. I even heard the elite riders complaining about the wind, but the competitor in me was pissed.

After the bike there was a short sprint to the finish, easy, I love sprinting although your legs feel super weird after biking and trying to run. So I finally crossed the finish line. The end. I was happy it was over and looking back on it today it really was a good time. Seeing my family and friends at the end is always motivating and I am really excited about how great I did for myself on the run. 

I will definitely do a REAL triathlon though. Tri season is just about over, so there is always next year, BUT there is the Richmond Triathlon in October I am eyeing up! So we’ll see. In the meantime, I am going to have some fun and focus on smaller race distances at faster speeds, which is just fun and less stressful. I have Wicked 10K at the end of October and hope to get a sub 55 10K.

One thing that hasn’t changed is, I love racing and competing. It really is so much fun and the way I feel when I cross that finish line is such an awesome feeling.  So although my triathlon was “the little triathlon that wasn’t”, I trained for a triathlon and know I could do it if I had been able to. It was just out of my control, but in Mother Nature’s hands yesterday and apparently she sucks.

Thanks to Kris, Darlene and Jennifer for doing this with me, we rock. Thank you to Kim for being such an awesome friend, “trainer” and running partner. Thanks to Matt for all the tri tips you have given me the past few months.  But most of all thanks to my family for being there for me and putting up with my crazy schedule the past couple months, and dealing with all my spur of the moment shenanigans. Until next time…
Here's just a couple pics.
me and Hubby.

Here's me after the race probably cursing off the ocean.

boo and pop pop.

me and K. I've done a countless number of races with this girl. She did my 1st race, my 1st half marathon and almost my 1st triathlon with me. Great friend, great motivater.
aw yes, the post race look like death pic, BUT who cares we worked our butts off this summer. So glad I got to train and get to know these two great ladies. i see quite a few more races in our future.

C. loves Boo!

me, dad, hubby and my mil.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I plan to post about our NJ trip soon...hopefully before our next one (could I be anymore behind on my blog?). It really was such an awesome trip and one of my highlights were being able to take pictures of one of my best friend's kiddies! J just turned 4 in May and E just turned 1. Although, E wasn't having a good morning since he had too much partying the night before at his first birthday party, I was still able to snap a few shots of him that are just adorable and full of personality. With permission of mom, I am sharing some of the photos of two of the most adorable little people I know. I love these kids. Thanks Deloons for letting me get more practice! Click here to view the pictures!

Friday, August 26, 2011

There's a Hurricane Coming!

I have not written in so long. I am so out of loop with my blog and I am so mad at myself for letting the summer go by so quickly and not updating as much as I had wanted to. Life's just crazy and we had so much going on this summer, I kind of threw the blogging thing on the back burner. So it's taken a hurricane for me to get back into it...

A hurricane.  I really don't know much about a hurricane, well except for the drink ; ) but, I never had to actually experience one before. This will be my first REAL hurricane experience in Virginia Beach. Growing up on the Jersey shore, I don't ever remember the "panic" of a hurricane coming, it was always more hype. I mean I've experienced some bad storms, Nor Eastors', tropical waves, storms and maybe even an outskirt of a once formed hurricane that brought lots of rain and wind and of course blizzards. Does anyone remember the blizzard of 2003? I remember we were snowboarding in the Poconos with a bunch of friends and we literally got snowed in with minimal food and had to snowboard to the one and only restaurant open in town to eat. I remember finally being able to leave PA and driving home on 80 and 287 and there were 3-4 foot walls of snow, it was pretty crazy. So, yea, I've experienced some bad storms, but never a hurricane.

I don't know what to think of it. Is it all hype? The media and meteorologists eat this stuff and wait all year for something like this. I really didn't pay much attention to this thing until yesterday when I realized how serious it was becoming.

So I started prepping. The first thing I did was check the wine sitch in my house. I mean really, I can't be stuck in all weekend and wishing I had a delicious glass of Pinot Noir to calm my nerves. So I stocked up a bit, and double bonus we got our beer club shipment yesterday (thanks UPS!) I also went to the food store and bought everything I saw in everyone else's carts, well except Spam (ew do people really eat that stuff?). I got water, batteries, sippys for the kids, dry foods, fruit and canned goods.  We filled up the gas tanks, went to the ATM, starting putting away all outside items in the shed and garage, charged portable DVD players, made sure the Flip had fresh batteries, charged my camera batteries and did laundry. How much more prepared can I be for this thing? After all said and done, I've become one of those nuts who I used to make fun of.

I have the news on 24/7 in the background tracking this bad boy, I'm peering outside every 5 minutes to see if its getting windier, and I'm calling Hubby to see if the military knows something I don't know (not really sure why they would, but maybe they have some secret connection with mother nature). I'm obsessed with the hurricane, which leads to me writing a blog about it, seriously?!! Who am I?

I am prepared for the worst and praying for the best. I'm nervous the leak we had near our skylights in the fall and was fixed is not going to hold up.  I'm nervous about that tree in my front yard falling. I am nervous for my NJ friends and family on the coast as well and am really nervous for our little beach house in Lavalette, NJ that has been in the family for decades. I need a Xanex or something!

Although all worrying aside, I do believe everything in life, good and bad, happens for a reason. I believe everyone you meet in your life is for a reason, some more so than others. I believe in fate. I believe in events that happen in your life is why you are the person you are today. And I believe the reason this hurricane is coming is so I stay home one weekend, guilt free, instead of running around like a maniac. I believe this is the weekend I am supposed to do all the things I said I was going to do at home this summer, and didn't. I just hope I can do it all with power and not a leaky roof.

So as the hurricane approaches I am really hoping its worse than they are making it seem, because I will admit I am kind of scared. I am hugging my babies (and house) tight tonight and praying its over soon. So stay safe everyone..and get all that stuff done this weekend at home you've been putting off all summer too.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Maternity Shoot

A few weeks ago I had to do an "Environmental Portrait Portfolio" for my photography class. Knowing right away I wanted to do a maternity shoot I contacted my friend Rebekah who is going to give birth in September. Her and her husband Andre were more than happy to help out. So with permission from new mom and dad to be, she's letting me share my VERY amateur photos. Check out the slide show below.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday!

Hubby turned the big 3-0 this weekend. Ah, my younging. I wanted to do something really special for him. At first I thought of following suit as he did for my 30th and having him a surprise party, but with timing and a budget, it didn't fall into place. So I decided to snatch my in-laws for the weekend and take him on a "kid-free" weekend away, which they were more than willing to help out with. I researched a bunch of places, but everywhere I wanted to go included flights and with a strict time schedule of just Friday and Saturday I needed something close. So I chose somewhere we never have been and right in our own backyard. The Outer Banks! I know, I know...I've lived here over 5 years and have never been, and after going this weekend, I have no idea why. We LOVED it! We'll definitely be going more often and at one point we totally had a beach house there in 8 years when he retired from the Air Force...anyway...

Since Hubby had no idea we were going away, he came home Friday surprised his parents were there, and I gave him a card right away that said we were going away for the weekend kid-free and his bags were already packed. He was stoked, and so was I! We stopped at our favorite sushi place to eat before we left and then we were off...literally an hour and fifteen door to door since we live so close to 168.

I've been planning this for months. I researched so many places to stay and what part of OBX to go to. I wanted closer than Hatteras or Ocracoke, so I chose Nags Head after some advice from friends. After more research I chose the Oasis Suites. I am SO happy I did. I doubted myself a few times on it, because it wasn't at the beach, but it was literally a two minute drive to the beach. I seriously can't rave enough about this place. For those who know me, know I am VERY picky when it comes to hotels and I get skeeved out pretty easily at places, but this place was literally a home away from home. It was quiet and clean. Beautiful and quaint. Although it's a new place built in 2007, it has that old school hotel feel, you know, the kind where they don't take your credit card for a security deposit and write reservations in a reservation log. Here are some pictures, which really doesn't do it much justice:


Main Room with extra bed.

Living Area.



Our little patio outside living area.

Our view from our patio.


Creepy house that I wished I owned.

We really, really had an awesome time. It was so nice to talk and catch up with my husband, whom I feel like I never get to see anymore with our work, school and childrens' schedules! The next day (Saturday) his brother and wife surprised him as well, so that was nice to hang kid-free with the new parents! Our day consisted of drinking, beach, drinking, eating, drinking, catching up, get the picture. Good times.

We came home Sunday to his "birthday" party done by the kids with balloons, noise makers and more. It was too cute.
Noogs wanted to be all of part of the cake.

He was so excited to see daddy on his birthday.

But guess who enjoyed the cake the most? Yep, my chunky monkey, Miss Boo.

Boo eats everything with utensils now.

It was a great weekend all around for a special guy.
Happy 30th Birthday, Love. We love you!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


A week after being home from what was a fantastic and well-needed family vacation, I finally weeded through over 400 pictures to share with everyone who has been asking. Click here to view some highlights of our trip to Fort Lauderdale. We can't wait to go back.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect!

I def need some practice with my new hobby, but with an adorable subject like the newest member of the extended "M" clan, he made it easy to practice on. Check out some pictures of my first "unprofessional newborn photo shoot" featuring my new nephew Jaxson Ryan. Thanks to new mom and dad for letting me share : )

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Much Needed Vacation

This summer has been busy. Between having a three year old whose social schedule is busier than my own, a one year old who becomes more active, curious and talkative everyday, two jobs, school and training for a triathlon, along with everyday life, I sometimes wonder how there can ever possibly be "downtime". Aw, yes, but there is one in sight. We leave bright and early in the AM for a MUCH needed vacation.

So where is the M clan headed? Fort Lauderdale, FL with a stopover in Savannah, GA. I love Fort Lauderdale, it's such a fun town. The in-laws have timeshare so we get our space with the kids here at Marriott Beach Place. This place is awesome. It's located right on the beach in the center of the strip.

We are driving instead of flying this time. I've never driven to Florida, so this will be my first time doing so. We decided to break the trip up with the kiddies and have a stop over in Savannah, GA, a city we have always wanted to see and visit. Although it won't be a long trip there, just overnight, we will at least get to check it out.

I'm stoked about spending the 4th of July there (those who know me best know this is my favorite holiday) and I'm stoked to not be on a "schedule" for a week. Although it's a given I'll still be doing my triathlon training, indulging in photography and sitting in the sand with a drink in my hand...scratch that both hands, I'm totally double fisting will be nice to just take it as it comes for a week!

Stay tuned for pictures and updates! Happy 4th of July weekend, and remember what we are really celebrating this coming weekend!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm here! I'm here!

I can't believe I have not posted in over two weeks. I was doing so well with this blogging thing in the beginning. I'm trying to keep up with it, but I'm also trying to keep up with life. Seriously, when did life get so busy?

So while this summer is super busy and I feel behind on some things (thank you cards from my daughter's first birthday party a month ago still being written), I am now trying to plan my fall/winter schedule. I mean wasn't the first day of summer just yesterday?!

I was able to take a nice break from the chaos last week when one of my best and oldest friends came to visit me with her family. Hanging out with close friends who know me well, plus having their kids here who are the same age as my kids, was really awesome. It's so nice to chill and they just "get it". We had an awesome week. Check out the fun we had when the L clan were in town! Click here.

Hopefully I can get my head above water soon and get back to my new blogging hobby. Thanks for staying tuned!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Nephew

Hubby's brother and his wife had their first child on Friday! We ventured up to MD this weekend to meet our new little nephew and Noogs and Boos' new little cousin. I don't think Boo had any idea what was going on and really she was just more interested in the cabinet doors on the roll away nursery crib, but Noogs was so intrigued by the little dude. He took to him so well and I swear I thought he was going to pop him in his Cars book bag. He's going to be an awesome older cousin!

With permission from new mom and dad, I am sharing some pictures of our first meeting with our adorable new nephew. Click here to meet the new addition to the extended M clan!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Memorial Day. A day to remember those who lost their lives in battle to protect ours. When I was younger, the true meaning of Memorial Day never meant much to me, but as I have grown older and am now a military family surrounded by military friends, it actually means something to me.

We flew our flag proud in front of our house this weekend (we left it up and plan to all summer) and we've illuminated it at night. It is kind of sad that in a community surrounded by military members, we are one of the few with a flag, but we are proud of it, which we should be.

Memorial Day in some sense also represents the "first weekend of summer". Pools open and beaches are packed. If you live in NJ the bennys invade the area and if you live in VA the tourists take over.

The M Clan took full advantage of a beautiful (and hot) Memorial Day weekend to spend time with each other. Hubby had a four day weekend, which was awesome and we had a blast each day. 

Friday evening I had a mommy and son night out with Noogs. With all the hype of Boo's birthday last week, I felt I needed to give him some one on one, so when some of my girlfriends were going to the Strawberry Festival in Pungo to take advantage of the "all you can ride for $20" at the carnival, we decided to join them. 

This was my first time in Pungo for the Strawberry Festival. It was awesome. Although we never got to see the actual festival, I saw enough on Friday night to get what it was all about. My friends, The G Family, have family who own a farm out there, so we totally lucked out and got to park in their driveway and walk across the street to the carnival.

The kids all had a blast hanging out together and riding the rides all night.

Noogs won Boo a duck. Such a sweet brother.

All in all Noogs and I had a great night with friends and it was a perfect way to start the weekend!

Saturday we did some massive spring cleaning and cleaned out our garage and attic. Then we had a kid-free night and got a sitter! This hasn't happened in a LONG time, so we took full advantage. We went to dinner with an old elementary school friend of mine and her husband who happens to live in NC about a half hour from me (how random?!) and then went to another friends' BBQ whom we haven't seen in forever. It was great to share our night with friends.

Sunday, Hubby decided to make our backyard into a water park for the kids. From a water slide to water table to the Spiderman sprinkler, the kids had a BLAST! It really was a lot of fun.

Boo had too much fun and at lunchtime this is how I found her.

We BBQ-ed some crab legs, clams, hot dogs and sweet corn on the cob and paired it with pasta, potato salad and watermelon. The kiddies ended the night watching Care Bears (the original 80s movie).

Monday we spent a good part of the day at the pool at the Y. It was a good and bad idea all at the same time. It was packed, but we got there early so we had chairs right in front of the pool and they had a BBQ that day, so lunch was free. Boo loved the spray park and kept running over to it. She's a busy one!

We ended the day with more BBQ.

Hubby and I climbed into bed Monday night exhausted. It wasn't a very "relaxing" weekend, as we didn't have any down time, not with chasing two children around, but it was a fabulous way to start the summer and I can't wait for all the fun that's to come in the next three months.

Click here to see more pics.

Monday, May 30, 2011


I am far from a photographer and am so beginner its ridiculous but I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking pictures. There's something about viewing the world behind a lens that I really enjoy. I am slowly learning my camera and different editing tools. I am also enrolled in a photography class at school and I love it and am totally cheating on Hubby this summer with that class.

My girlfriend asked me to take pictures of her and her son, I was nervous to do it, but knew it was just for fun. I had an absolute blast doing it and loved taking shots of her and her son almost more than my own children! I was able to concentrate so much more on it and had fun doing it.

She told me to share them, so click here to view this adorable little boy and his mama! (please keep in mind I am NOT a professional, but constructive criticism is welcome : )

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Athlete

If someone asked to describe myself using one word, a few come to mind. Spastic, clumsy, silly, curious...but the word athlete is far from my mind. I never played sports as a kid. I quit dance when I was four because I hated it and the only thing I was good at on field day was the spoon relay (I totally won first place one year).

In 7th grade my BFF and I tried out for the basketball team. We were the only two people not picked to join the team. I honestly don't think it had anything to do with our athletic abilities as much as it had to do with the fact we fooled around the whole time and giggled (loudly) our way through tryouts. Apparently the coach didn't think we were too serious about it, and we probably weren't knowing us.

In high school, my athletic abilities consisted of running to a friends car to cut class or running into class late because I was probably somewhere I shouldn't be. I did play track for a minute, but quit because it was too much running (go figure) and I played field hockey one year, but wasn't very good and the highlight of my career was an assist.

Fast forward fifteen years and I am training for my first triathlon with four half marathons and over twenty five other 10Ks, 8Ks, and 5Ks under my belt within the past three years. Becoming a mother has made me a athlete.Sure I dabbled in a little "jogging" before kids and even registered for a jogging stroller on my baby registry with Noogs but was never really "into it" except for trying to lose weight, but now I appreciate it more than anything. Running for me is my sanity. It's that time of day where I am alone with my thoughts (well unless I am pushing the double jogger handing out sugary snacks to keep the kiddies quiet) and when I am really "calm".  I love going through the day on "runned" legs.

So how did I get into running? People who knew me back when and knew of my awesome athletic abilities (insert sarcasm here) ask me this often. After I gave birth to Noogs, it was scary being in a new city far away from all my friends and family. I needed people in my life going through the same thing I was. I quickly found a moms group to join. I probably hit the jackpot because even though the moms group we called "Go Moms" only lasted a few months, the ladies I have met are some of my best friends here in VB to this day.

I have always thought about running a half marathon, 13.1 miles, but didn't think I would ever actually do it. It was literally just a thought, until a few other ladies were talking about it at a "mom play date" at the zoo and suggested we all started training together for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon VB in August. It was April at the time, giving us four months to train, a task I thought was completely not doable for me.

When I first started running and could barley run a mile or two without wanting to die, I thought to myself, what have I gotten myself into? I did not want to quit though. I didn't want to be that 9th grade girl who quit track because it was too much running again, so I ran my little heart out. Four to five mornings a week we all met religiously everyday at 7:30AM for hot summer morning runs with the kids in the joggers. Some mornings I will admit, I wanted to "call out" and not go, but the feeling I felt every morning after that work out was amazing and in the process I was growing friendships with these wonderful ladies. As we built up mileage that summer, our runs got longer and so did our talks. I mean really, who else would appreciate the fact that my seven month old baby boy wasn't constipated anymore. 

The training was tough. I remember in the beginning running a 13 minute mile and feeling like death afterwards (fast forward three years and I average about a 9:30 mile, not fast for real athletes, but for a mom who has no athletic ability at all, its fast). I had days I was so sore after four miles, I thought there was no way I could ever run thirteen miles plus. With the efforts of the power I had within myself that I didn't even know was there, my new friends who were basically my coaches and the support of my family, I did it. I ran my first half marathon only nine months after giving birth.

I remember how hot it was that day. I remember walking for a good mile around mile eight and being so mad at myself because my motto is never stop running, even if you have to go into the lightest jog (a motto I still go by). I remember telling my girlfriend K to run on and leave me behind. I remember running past all my family and crying when I saw my son on his daddy's shoulders watching me. I remember that feeling when I crossed the finish line and how amazing I felt..... I wanted to do it all over again. (of course not in that very moment because I think I almost passed out, but someday..soon).

My family was so supportive that day and they all came down to VB to watch me run and wore their "Team Jessica" shirts. Seriously...awesome.

That was the moment I was hooked on running. From there on I have run a ton of races meeting new running friends along the way. I love meeting a new runner, or an old runner who becomes a new friend, either way there is so much to talk about on runs together. I love comparing stories and strategies. I love that bond that you share almost immediately when it comes to running, especially if you are a mom and run, because seriously, we rock.

Give me a high five if you push a jogger and run because its not easy, BUT it makes you a stronger runner and a stronger mommy. I love that my son knows about running and being active. He always wants to "race" and whenever I return from a race he wants to know how fast I ran and wants to wear my medal. Its such a great example to set for your children. I mean they don't have to be runners growing up, but I would like for them to grow up in an active lifestyle trying different things.

I love challenging myself to something new. I've run four half marathons, which may not be a lot to the elite runners, but to me it is. Now I am looking for something new to do. I don't have any desire to do a full marathon, so I've been focusing on building up speed at smaller distances, when I started looking into triathlons. I have been talking about doing one for a good year or two now and finally just registered for one in September. So I am dedicating my summer to swim, bike and run. I am so excited for it. Double bonus points some friends are doing it I am not alone, which feels great.  Training with friends is always a plus in my book!

I am so excited for my new goal and challenge, but scared at the same time. Can I swim a half mile in the ocean? Will the fact I don't have a road bike hurt me on the bike part? Will I even be able to run a 5K after doing the prior? Time will tell and training will build up my confidence.

Take it from me though, someone who was probably one of the most "unathletic" people you will ever meet, that you can come from anywhere and do it. The days I don't train I don't feel myself and the days I do I feel fabulous. I love going through my day after a great run or workout and I feel my best in the hours after one. I have experienced the "runner's high" and it is an amazing feeling. The amount of weight I've lost is an extreme bonus as well. I have pushed myself to my limits and have always gone back for more. I mean really, if anyone was ever to tell me ten years ago I would be training for a triathlon I would of laughed in their face and grabbed a pint of ice cream. Now I say yes I am and I grab a pint of ice cream. In any case, moral of the story is you can come from anywhere and reach goals you didn't think were reachable. Its an amazing feeling and running is what makes me "me" these days. Try it, you may love it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Baby is One!

So today Boo turned one. I still can't believe how quick this year has flown by and what a big girl she has become. I wanted to do something really fun for her birthday. We already had the big party, so when I asked her if she wanted to go to the beach today and she did her "heh" sound and shook her head up and down (like yea), I was already half way packed and on my way to Sandbridge.

It was a beautiful beach day even though it was hot. There was a perfect amount of wind and the water was really refreshing. My girlfriend joined us with her son too, so we were happy to have the company.

The kids played and us girls chatted and Boo really enjoyed herself hanging with the older boys.

We had lunch on the beach and ended with some beach playground fun.

When we got home Boo napped and I did some yard work with Hubby and Noogs. We had an early dinner and cake because I had class tonight. Noogs wanted to sing "Happy Birthday" to his sister all by himself.

So the day ended and I was off to school. It was a perfect first birthday, after a huge party last weekend. She really had a great day. I left my family as they were glued to the TV watching

For more pics of Boo's birthday click here

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Boos' First Birthday Party

I can't believe my little girl is going to be one. When did this happen? Where did this year go? I knew it was coming, so me being me, I started planning her first birthday party in February. Yes, I am "that" mom.

It was such a great day and an awesome weekend home in NJ. Thank you to everyone who helped with the planning and putting everything together. Thanks so much for all who came out and was a part of her special day. It was a fabulous day!

Click here to view the album.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Feel The Love

I feel so loved as a new blogger. I had three people ask me today when I was going to update my blog. Ok, so one was one of my best friends and the other was a family member, but the third is someone I haven't seen in years. She's a blogger herself and just wants to read my blog..(check her out here ...she's real, and hysterical ).  So I totally felt "cool" in my new blogging world.

I just have so much going on. From planning first birthday parties to jumping into a triathlon (yes, a triathlon!), I'm swamped! I'll update more soon!

In the meantime, here is something I've been working daughter's one year old pictures. I'll send the link to family and friends soon, but here are a couple of my favorites.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama's Day

Mother's Day. A day to celebrate motherhood and everything us mama's endure. We stress. We live. We love. We nurture. We simply rock. I am so thankful for all the moms in my life. From my own mother to some of my best friends, I have been blessed to have some terrific women in my life to go through the most amazing thing in the world with. Motherhood. It truly is a blessing and if it wasn't for my own little peeps, I wouldn't be honoring myself on this day. So today, I thank them. Noogs and Boo, who I am so proud of each and everyday. From each little new word Boo learns, to each new skill Noogs takes on, I have been blessed.  If you are a mom, so have you, because your children rock as well.

So how did the M clan celebrate such a glorious day?

The plan was to head to Sandbridge for some R&R and beach fun, but when we woke up to rain, we knew that was a no-go. It was still a fantastic day and I enjoyed every minute. From sleeping in, to breakfast on the table when I woke up, to some fabulous gifts, the day started out perfect. Randomly out of nowhere when we were racking our brain for something to do since the beach was a wash out, I decided I wanted to go bowling! Nicholas has never gone bowling before and on a rainy day, I wanted to do something different. We've been to the aquarium and museums a million times and I really wanted to bowl! I haven't bowled in probably about five years and am probably the worst bowler ever, but I was all about it for some reason. So we packed up and we were out the door by 10:30.

Since it was before 12:00, we were able to get $1.69 games. Woot, woot! And for some reason, I like how bowling shoes look with jeans.

Anyway, we were ready for some bowling!

I started out awesome and got a spare my first frame! Total Mother's Day luck since it was down hill from here...

Poor Noogs kept getting gutters though, and I refused to put the gutter guards up because I really wanted to play. (hey its Mother's Day!) But this ramp thing worked great! He was more excited to push it down the ramp then throw it anyway and really got into the game. I think he was actually beating me at one point!

Boo had fun watching, but she was so not herself today. She cut her first molar and was just in a quiet type mood, but she was a good sport and seemed interested in what we were long as she had food in her mouth.

First game was over. Noogs and me were tied : /

I was determined to do better the second game. It's all about form right? I was ready!

Just look at the pins..

Throw it...and pray this doesn't happen..


I still had fun though. It was hit or miss for me the whole time.

Hubby was stoked to get his first strike the second game.

All in all a fun time bowling. Scores def improved  by second game.

And so did Boo's mood!

I enjoyed my morning bowling with my lil' peeps! How could I not being a mom to these two?

Afterwards, Hubby took us out for my fave, sushi, before Noogs and Boos nap time. While they napped, we watched a movie, the sun came out and we BBQed for dinner. A simple and great day!

I seriously am truly blessed to be a mom. Not just a mom, but a mom to two children who inspire and motivate me everyday to do everything I want to do and not just dream it. I see the world through their eyes now and there is so much out there to take in and try out. I'm also blessed to have a husband who is so supportive in all I do and everything I want to achieve and I'm happy I have him to share these journeys with. I must of hit the jackpot with them in my life. Happy Mama's Day to me, and to all my family and friends out there who share this awesome thing called motherhood with me. This is what life is all about.